You can stop the spread of COVID-19
by covering your face with a DIY face mask
Join the DIY Mask Movement
We are calling on everyone to make and wear masks to stop the
spread of COVID-19! If we all promise to wear our masks, then together,
we can keep each other safe.
Step 1: Commit to Wearing A DIY Mask
The virus spreads because people don't know they're infected. Wearing a mask shows you care about the lives of everyone around you.
We’re much safer when EVERYONE wears a mask. Infected people leave contamination behind. That’s why, even if you wear a mask, you’re safer if others wear one too. Insist that everyone wear a DIY mask.
Wearing a DIY mask is one of the most effective ways to save lives and there's no time to waste. You already have what you need.
TOGETHER, we can stop the spread of deadly infections.
Step 2: Make A Mask
Save the surgical masks for nurses and doctors! Just grab a cotton bandana, T-shirt, or dishtowel around your home and make a DIY mask.
Get creative! Rep your favorite sports team, a band you love, or your school. Just make sure it fully covers your nose and your mouth.
Need inspiration? Get started here.
Matthew McConaughey has some fun
with a serious message.